Top10 Film Lists is a collection of movies, personalities & lists from my viewing. Everything here is subjective, so I'm always open to comments & suggestions.
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Click the boxes below or the drop downs above for more information, history and reviews....
This Week's Featured Top 10 ListTop 10 Films of Marilyn MonroeNew & Recent Reviews:
From This Week's Newsletter:
Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina: The Arc of a Relationship We recently screened Band of Outsiders on film for a sell-out crowd at Motor City Cinema.
YouTube IntroductionsSubscribe to our brand new YouTube channel by clicking the link below. Sign up for notifications for new content including introductions, reviews & interviews.
Quick Hits: Short Bursts on Recently Viewed MoviesThe Blair Witch Project: (almost) 25 Years Later, an Insider's PrespectiveMy Top 10 Favorite Films
2018 Blogathons:
I wrote about a selection of Ernst Lubitsch silents, made in Germany in the late teens for The Unexpected Blogothan.
I wrote about Red Dust ('32), which starred Clark Gable, Jean Harlow & Mary Astor & compared it to the remake, Mogambo ('53) which also starred Gable, but with Ava Gardner & Grace Kelly. Link to blogathon:
I will be wrote about My Gal Sal (1942), starring Rita Hayworth & Victor Mature for the 100 Years of Rita Hayworth Blogathon on October 17th. Here is the link to he event:
I will be writing about Billy Wilder's classic Some Like it Hot for the Gender Bending the Rules Blogathon on September 21st. Here is the link:
I will be blogging about Preston Sturges' Remember the Night for the Fred MacMurray Blogathon on August 30th. Here is the link:
I will be writing a piece about John Ford's The Searchers for the Natalie Wood Blogathon on July 17th. Link to hosting website here:
I will be Blogging about Jean Vigo's masterpiece L'Atalante ('34) for the Free For All Blogathon on 3/3.
I will be reviewing Mogambo ('53), starring Clark Gable, Ava Gardner & Grace Kelly for The Clark Gable Blogathon on Feb 1st.
I will be reviewing Criss Cross (1949, Robert Siodmak) for the It Takes a Thief Blogothon on 11/17/17
I will be blogging about Wild Orchids for the Greta Garbo Blogathon on 11/22
I'll be blogging about Blood Simple in the 'Till Death Us Do Part Blogathon on 7/24
I'll be blogging about The Red Shoes in the En Pointe: The Ballet Blogathon on 8/4 & 8/5.
Featured Actor/ActressNatalie Wood (Coming Soon)Natalie Wood was a product of Hollywood. She started her career, at the insistence of her mother, when she was 6. She struggled to transition from pigtail wearing child to teen and finally to adult roles, appearing in iconic films like Miracle on 34th Street, Rebel Without a Cause and Westside Story. Her career and her life were cut tragically short when she drowned at the age of 43. Even in so short a life, Wood packed a handful of performances that can be viewed as great, but more importantly she created a lifetime of work that stands as a testament to a working actress fully realized.
Featured DirectorAlfred HitchcockTop 10 Alfred Hitchcock
Perhaps no other director has been talked about, written about or analyzed as much as Alfred Hitchcock, but with good reason! His films are masterclasses in style, but exist on a deeper psychological level that has intrigued both the casual film fan, as well as scholars for more than 70 years. Hitch's films are also incredibly enjoyable as pop art & hold a particular place in American culture. Not bad for a green grocer's son from England. Enjoy what I consider his 10 best!
About Me:
I've loved movies for as long as I can remember. I've spent my career working for several of the major studios, including MGM, Warner Bros. & 20th Century Fox in their home entertainment divisions. Currently, I work with several area non-profit movie theaters and present classic movies in various locations. I'm partial to the Pre-Code era & Film Noir. I am a founding Director of Motor City Cinema Society, a non-profit Movie Theatre dedicated to screening movies as they were made and meant to be shown, on Film & in a communal Environment. Our 50 seat Screening room is located in Detroit. For more information and to see our upcoming schedule click below.
Top 10 Film Lists in PrintPolitics on Film is an e-book that features my piece on A Face in the Crowd
![]() Memberships:2022 Blogathons:In early November, I will writing about 1947's They Won't Believe Me, starring Susan Hayward, Jane Greer, Robert Young & Rita Johnson. The film was directed by Irving Pichel and most importantly, produced by Joan Harrison. The piece will be part of the Classic Movie Blog Association's Fall Blogathon, Movies are Murder, that runs from November 7th-11th.
2021 Blogathons:I will be writing on Cecil B. Demille & Claudette Colbert's relationship making Sign of the Cross ('32) & Cleopatra ('34) for the Star of the Month Blogathon.
Here is a short piece on The Crimson Kimono, directed by Samuel Fuller & released in 1959 for the CMBA Hidden Classics Blogathon on May 19th.
I will be writing about Becky Sharp (1935), based on the character from William Thackeray's novel Vanity Fair.
2020 Blogathons:I will be writing about Niagara, starring Marilyn Monroe, Joseph Cotton & Jean Peters, from 1953 for the Celluloid Roadtrip Blogathon sponsored by Hometowns to Hollywood.
I have written about The Invisible Man as part of the Claude Rains Blogathon for The Pure Entertainment Preservation Society on November 9th. Here's a directly link to the complete Blogathon:
Read my Pice on A Face in the Crowd from the CMBA Fall Blogathon: Politics on Film
I will be writing about Billy Wilder's A Foreign Affair, starring Jean Arthur, Marlene Dietrich & John Lund as part of the 120th Birthday celebration of Jean Arthur. The piece will post on October 15th.
See my piece on the films of Stanwyck & Capra to the left & clip the link below for all the complete list of submission for The Queen of Sass: Barbara Stanwyck Blogathon, hosted by Pale writer ( My piece focused on the films Stanwyck made with Frank Capra.
2019 Blogathons:
I wrote about The Film Noir Villainy of Dan Duryea for The Great Villain Blogathon.